Temptations will come…


Sometimes God places us in a situation for a season, a reason, or for a lifetime. There is always the temptation to force the issue and stay within one’s comfort zone. There is also the temptation to live by one’s ego and want to stay where God may not want us to be anymore. In our daily lives, we may find ourselves eating foods that we know are not good for us, but the excuse is “I am too busy doing ministry to eat properly!” I have heard that one so many times! Each day, and during this season of my life, I am more cognizant of the fact that God sustains and grants us the strength to do His expressed will. However, when He determines that our time of stretching is over we need to succumb to His will and take the step that He wants us to take because He will sustain us. Agonizing about a job, a post, an assignment, and or a place does not come from the Lord. When He makes it clear to us that this is where He wants us He will give us the strength to endure it. When He makes it clear to us that our time of service is over, then it is time for us to move on. We must trust in Him! He orders our steps. Remember the story of Barnabas and Paul? Maybe this is what is happening to you right now. They did reconcile at a later date. Trust in the Lord. He will direct your path.


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