Separation from God by our adoration of the State?

Are you lost and broken within and fearful of what will happen next here and there? Then your emotions are separating you from the love of God! It happens, but His arms are open wide and He is waiting for you to ask for Him to mend the fences! Pain is real. He has the power to take it away! We live in a world where confusion and mayhem are pervading our very existence. God is being pushed to the side and the things of this world are governing our thought life and how we act as believers. For example:

  1. fear of the monetary system crashing
  2. fear of civil war breaking out once again
  3. fear of race wars
  4. fear of ethnic invasions
  5. fear of terrorist attacks
  6. fear of lack of gun control
  7. fear of Democrats
  8. fear of Republicans
  9. fear of unemployment
  10. fear of health challenges overtaking one’s life

When these things become the things that we focus on most of our time we are separating ourselves from the very powerful love that God has for us. Why? Because He has a solution for all of those fear, but we are expecting human beings to solve them. Walk in faith knowing that we serve a God of love, not a God of fear. Let no man’s ideals, actions, and our beliefs separate you from the knowledge that God is the only person in the universe that is all seeing, all knowing, and all-encompassing. If you are guilt-ridden and in a constant state of panic these things are separating you from the love of God. He will release you from them. Talk to someone who can help you to walk back to the place of peace, love,  and knowledge that nothing should be separating you from Him. Then live in the shadow of His Almighty Wings – basking in His peace.

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