Relationships take time!


Ps 51 one declares: “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

David had broken his relationship with God by committing adultery with Bathsheba. His relationship with The Almighty was ripped apart by sin. What was he going to do?

When one has determined that their relationship is broken it might appear to be a hopeless situation. However, relationships are like drawbridges. Until the drawbridge opens the “ship” in relationships cannot move through the channel of communication that will help the relationship to mend. This ministry believes in helping others to steer the “ship” in “relationships” through the navigational waters of life. Matthew 18 tells us how to repair relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Actually, that Scripture refers to all relationships that we have with anyone. If an offense has occurred one should address it.

Gen 18:14 states that there is nothing that is so broken that the Holy Spirit cannot mend it! It takes growing closer to God and learning how to love each other better to turn hearts that have become broken like a cement block, back to hearts that are pliable like clay. Will you allow the Holy Spirit to work with you and help you to build strong relationships with others?

We have two assessments that are Bible-based that will provide you with your strengths and weaknesses. You get to choose which one you want to use. Then we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the solutions to the challenges that you are facing as you learn about each other.



We are here to help you. Contact us. Allow our Heavenly Father to work His miracle in your marital relationship!


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